Quality | Value | On-Time

We Do It Right The First Time

Estimates are free and easy (262) 252-4494

We are a family owned business known for oustanding craftsmenship in automotive body repair including classic, vintage and antique car restoration.  We are located in Menomonee Falls.  Call us for a quick quote.

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Quality | Value | On-Time

We Do It Right The First Time

Our Phone 262-252-4494
Get Repair Estimates
We are a family owned business known for oustanding craftsmenship in automotive body repair including classic, vintage and antique car restoration.  We are located in Menomonee Falls.  Call us for a quick quote.

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Auto Repair Servies
Classic Restoration Servies Offered

Auto Repair & Paint Center
S&S Restoration Inc. - Menomonee Falls

Complete Auto Body Services

Complete Auto Services  Phone 262-252-4494

Rust | Major and Minor Collision Repair | Dent | Scratch | Bumper | Windshield | Frame Alignment | Hail Damage | Custom Paint | Tune-up | Motorcycle | Detailing | Welding | Alignment | Mechnical Repairs | Antique/Classic Restoration | Customizing |

Free and fast Estimates  Phone 262-252-4494

Free and fast Estimates

We work with all insurance companies. Walk in or have your insurance company come and inspect your car at our shop. We also provide 24 hour towing.

Vintage & Classic Car Restoration

We are well known for our award winning specialities of frame-off restorations of vintage, classic, and hot rod restorations. We are your answer for experience, craftsmenship, value and quick turn-around.

Rust repair, chrome refinishing along with complete total restoration is our speciality. We also do suspension, cooling, fuel, brakes, tires, and mechanical services to restore your treasured vintage classic.

We work with the following insurance companies

Find Associated Insurance Companies

Bobolink Ave is off Lilly Road 0.4 mile North of Silver Spring

N59 W14121 Bobolink Ave. Menomonee Falls, Wi 53051
Phone 262-252-4494   M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm